The past few months have been extremely busy for the TX Travel team even though it is the low season period in the travel industry. Besides launching a variety of new products, we also participated in several expo and conventions that were soaring successes!
Here are some highlights the new products that we have just launched:
JiuZhaiGou |
- Fantastic JiuZhaiGou : The national park that has been often likened to the views in Switzerland is finally open to the public again after the winter period. There is a saying in China "The most beautiful mountain scenery is HuangShan and the most breathtaking water scenery is in JiuZhaiGou" Our package offers 4 and 5 star hotels with comfortable bus transportation to the national park as well as sightseeing around the Chengdu area. Places visited: JiuZhaiGou, HuangLong, Chengdu, LeShan, EmeiShan.
Tokyo Disneyland |
- Japan Golden Route: Seems like that we have been blogging about Japan alot these few weeks. That's because it's one of the best time of the year to visit Japan! The Golden Route is the most popular cities in Japan such as Tokyo, Kyoto, Mt Fuji and Osaka. On top of all that, the package includes entrance fees to Disneyland and Universal Studios!
During the expo, we also invited 2 celebrities to our booth. Teddy Tamasya and Dea Imut came over to give their support, and they will also join our tour on the 27th of April. What's even more cool is that this particular departure date (27th April) will be shown on a TV spot and shared with a wider television audience.
TX Travel participated in the following conventions in the month of February and March: Astindo Travel Fair, Garuda Travel Fair, BNI Travel Fair. During these expo period, special tour prices and ticket promotions are sold like hotcakes to all of our supporters. We would like to say a special thank you for everyone who had supported all of our products since our inception, and we are here because of all of your support. As the year 2012 continues to roll on, we strive to be an innovative and value-sensitive travel company that delivers premium experiences at a fraction of premium price =)
See you in our next trip!
Sorry, but I prefer being in a miami limousine. Greetings to all!!!